Using the Treaty Series

South African Cyber Treaty Series

The South African Cyber Treaty Series has been designed to facilitate access to information regarding South African multilateral treaty obligations. It offers a dual frame interface whereby the user can select from a list of international law topics in the left frame (organized according to the United Nations Multilateral Treaty Series system), and have the relevant information viewed in the right frame. This approach allows the user to change categories with ease.

Once the user has selected a topic from the menu on the left, a table is presented in the right frame listing by name all the multilateral agreements South Africa has entered into under that topic. The user can then select the relevant convention and the pertinent information will be displayed in a pre-arranged format. The following is an example of the information available to the user:

III. Human Rights

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Full Text / Current Parties

Date: 16 December 1966
Done at: the General Assembly, New York
Entry into force: 23 March 1976 in accordance with art. 49 (28 March 1979 for art.41 - Human Rights Committee)
Reference: v999 U.N.T.S. p171

Status: signed on 3 October 1994

The name of the Convention is provided as well as all relevant information, including the date and place the instrument was concluded, the details of its entry into force, reference information, and the details of South Africa's ratification, as well as, where applicable, the text of any reservations made to the convention.

Furthermore, links are provided to both the full text of the agreement and to the details of signatures and ratifications by other states. In those instances where the full text is not available on the internet (to the knowledge of the author) no links are provided. Likewise, some links may refer the user to searchable databases on the internet, which then require that the details of the relevant instrument be entered in order for the full text to be retrieved.

Suggestions for optimizing use of the South African Cyber Treaty Series:

  • Maximize your browser window to the size of your monitor in order to enhance the interface, especially when accessing full text of conventions
  • Click and drag the boundaries of the frames in order to change their relative size according to your preferences
  • When printing information, click in the relevant frame and then choose the print frame option from the print menu
  • Hitting the right mouse button will bring up a menu allowing (Netscape 2.02) users to scroll back and forward in the frame where the mouse is located. Try not to use the back button for navigation

    Copyright © 1997-2000 by Arnold N. Pronto
    All Rights Reserved