X. International Trade and Development

1. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and subsequent agreements, 1947
2. The Final Act and Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (including GATT 1994), Uruguay Round, 1994
3. Agreement Establishing the African Development Bank, 1979
4. Agreement to Establish the South Centre, 1994
5. Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development, 1976
6. Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1979

Reference Sources:

  • Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General: Status as at 30 April 1999 (ST/LEG/SER.E/17)
  • GATT, Status of Instruments (GATT/LEG/1)
  • WWW Sources:
  • Status of Mutilateral Treaties Deposited with the United Nations Secretary-General
  • Multilaterals Project (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy)
  • International Trade Law Monitor
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization

  • X. International Trade and Development
    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 October 1947
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: provisionally from 1 January 1948 in accordance with the Protocol of Provisional application of the GATT, signed at Geneva on 30 October 1947
    Reference: v55 U.N.T.S. p187

    Status: ratified

    1. Protocol of Provisional Application of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 October 1947
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1948
    Reference: v55 U.N.T.S. p308

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 13 June 1948

    2. Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 24 March 1948
    Done at: Havana
    Entry into force: 24 March 1948
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p2

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 24 March 1948

    3. Protocol modifying certain provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 24 March 1948
    Done at: Havana
    Entry into force: 24 March 1948
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p30

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 16 February 1949

    4. Special Protocol modifying article XIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 24 March 1948
    Done at: Havana
    Entry into force: 9 May 1949
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p40

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 7 October 1951

    5. Special Protocol relating to article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 24 March 1948
    Done at: Havana
    Entry into force: 7 June 1948
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p56

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 19 September 1950

    6. Second Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 14 September 1948
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 14 September 1948
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p74

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 14 September 1948

    7. Protocol modifying part I and article XXIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 14 September 1948
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 24 September 1952
    Reference: v138 U.N.T.S. p334

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 11 January 1949

    8. Protocol modifying part II and article XXVI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 14 September 1948
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 14 December 1948
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p80

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 11 January 1949

    9. Protocol for the Accession of Signatories of the Final Act of 30 October 1947
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 14 September 1948
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 14 September 1948
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p68

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 16 February 1949

    10. Third Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 13 August 1949
    Done at: Annecy
    Entry into force: 21 October 1951
    Reference: v107 U.N.T.S. p311

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 October 1951

    11. First Protocol of Modifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 13 August 1949
    Done at: Annecy
    Entry into force: 24 September 1952
    Reference: v138 U.N.T.S. p381

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 24 September 1952

    12. Protocol modifying article XXVI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 13 August 1949
    Done at: Annecy
    Entry into force: 28 March 1950
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p113

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 18 May 1950

    13. Protocol replacing schedule I (Australia) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 13 August 1949
    Done at: Annecy
    Entry into force: 21 October 1951
    Reference: v107 U.N.T.S. p83

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 October 1951

    14. Protocol replacing schedule VI (Ceylon) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 13 August 1949
    Done at: Annecy
    Entry into force: 22 September 1952
    Reference: v138 U.N.T.S. p346

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 24 September 1952

    15. Annecy Protocol of Terms of Accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 10 October 1949
    Done at: Lake Success, New York
    Entry into force: 1 January 1950
    Reference: v62 U.N.T.S. p121

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 4 May 1950

    16. Fourth Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 3 April 1950
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 24 September 1952
    Reference: v138 U.N.T.S. p398

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 24 September 1952

    17. Fifth Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 16 December 1950
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 30 June 1953
    Reference: v167 U.N.T.S. p265

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 30 June 1953

    18. Decisions agreeing to the accession of certain Governments to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties
    (a) Decision by the Contracting Parties agreeing to the accession of the Republic of Austria to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    Date: 21 April 1951
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 21 June 1951
    Reference: v142 U.N.T.S. p9

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 June 1951

    (b) Decision by the Contracting Parties agreeing to the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    Date: 21 April 1951
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 21 June 1951
    Reference: v142 U.N.T.S. p13

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 June 1951

    (c) Decision by the Contracting Parties agreeing to the accession of the Republic of Korea to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    Date: 21 April 1951
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 21 June 1951
    Reference: v142 U.N.T.S. p18

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 June 1951

    (d) Decision by the Contracting Parties agreeing to the accession of Peru to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    Date: 21 April 1951
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 21 June 1951
    Reference: v142 U.N.T.S. p22

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 June 1951

    (e) Decision by the Contracting Parties agreeing to the accession of the Republic of the Phillipines to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    Date: 21 April 1951
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 21 June 1951
    Reference: v142 U.N.T.S. p26

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 June 1951

    (f) Decision by the Contracting Parties agreeing to the accession of the Republic of Turkey to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    Date: 21 April 1951
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 21 June 1951
    Reference: v142 U.N.T.S. p30

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 June 1951

    19. Torquay Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 21 April 1951
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 6 June 1951
    Reference: v142 U.N.T.S. p34

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 18 November 1951

    20. Declaration on the continued application of the schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 21 April 1951
    Done at: Torquay
    Entry into force: 21 April 1951
    Reference: v147 U.N.T.S. p390

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 April 1951

    21. First Protocol of Rectifications and Modificationd to the texts of the schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 27 October 1951
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 21 October 1953
    Reference: v176 U.N.T.S. p2

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 21 October 1953

    22. First Protocol of Supplementary Concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 27 October 1951
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 25 May 1952
    Reference: v131 U.N.T.S. p316

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 25 May 1952

    23. Second Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the texts to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 8 November 1952
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 2 February 1959
    Reference: v321 U.N.T.S. p245

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 2 February 1959

    24. Third Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the texts to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 24 October 1953
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 2 February 1959
    Reference: v321 U.N.T.S. p266

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 2 February 1959

    25. Declaration on the Continued Application of schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 24 October 1953
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1954
    Reference: v183 U.N.T.S. p351

    Status: effective date for South Africa: 1 January 1954

    26. Fourth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Annexes and to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 7 March 1955
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 23 January 1959 in terms of par.3
    Reference: v324 U.N.T.S. p300

    Status: accepted on 7 March 1955

    27. Declaration on the Continued Application of Schedules to
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 10 March 1955
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 July 1955 (earliest), terminated on 31 December 1957
    Reference: v220 U.N.T.S. p154

    Status: accepted on 28 June 1955, entered into force for South Africa on 1 July 1955

    28. Protocol Amending Part I and Articles XXIX and XXX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 10 March 1955
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: Did not enter into force. On 20 November 1967, the Contracting Parties decided to abandon the Protocol if, by 31 December 1967, it had not entered into force.
    Reference: GATT publication, 10 March 1955

    Status: accepted on 15 November 1955

    29. Protocol Amending the Preamble and Parts II and III of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 10 March 1955
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 7 October 1957 in terms of par.8
    Reference: v278 U.N.T.S. p168

    Status: accepted on 15 November 1955; Reservation:

    "Subject to the reservation that the amendments contained herein to Part II of the General Agreement will be applied to the fullest extent not inconsistent with legislation which existed on 30 October 1947 and reserving the right to accept the Agreement subject to a reservation that Part II of the Agreement will be applied to the fullest extent not unconsistent with legislation which existed on 30 October 1947 and which is still in force.
    30. Protocol of Organizational Amendments to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 10 March 1955
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: Did not enter into force as the time-limit for signature of the Protocol expired on 7 April 1966
    Reference: GATT publication, 10 March 1955

    Status: accepted on 15 November 1955

    31. Procès-Verbal of Signature Concerning the Protocol of Organizational Amendments to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 10 March 1955
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: Did not enter into force as a result of the expiry of the time-limit for signature of the Protocol of Organizational Amendments
    Reference: GATT publication, 10 March 1955/3 December 1955

    Status: accepted on 15 November 1955

    32. Protocol of Rectification to the French Text of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 15 June 1955
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: Rectifications affecting Part I : 7 February 1969, Rectifications affecting Parts II and III and Annexes A, B, C, D, I : 24 October 1956
    Reference: v253 U.N.T.S. p316

    Status: accepted on 15 November 1955

    33. Procès-Verbal of Rectification Concerning the Protocol Amending Part I and Articles XXIX and XXX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Protocol Amending the Preamble and Parts II and III of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the Protocol of Organizational Amendments to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 3 December 1955
    Done at: Geneva

    Entry into force:
    Section A - (Rectifications concerning Protocol Amending Part I and Article XXIX and XXX) : did not enter into force
    Section B - (Rectifications concerning Protocol Amending the Preamble and Parts II and III) : 7 October 1957
    Section C - (Rectifications concerning Protocol of Organizational Amendments) : did not enter into force.
    Reference: v278 U.N.T.S. p246

    Status: accepted on 22 February 1956, rectifications in Section B entered into force on7 October 1957.

    34. Fifth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 3 December 1955
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 7 February 1969
    Reference: v661 U.N.T.S. p214

    Status: accepted on 5 December 1955

    35. Sixth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 11 April 1957
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 7 Feruary 1969
    Reference: v662 U.N.T.S. p2

    Status: accepted on 17 April 1957

    36. Seventh Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 November 1957
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 7 February 1969
    Reference: v663 U.N.T.S. p2

    Status: accepted on 30 November 1957

    37. Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the Swiss Confederation to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 22 November 1958
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1960 (earliest); Terminated on 31 July 1966, pursuant to par.8, except for schedules contained in the Annex, which are in force, pursuant to par.7 of the Protocol for the Accession of Switzerland
    Reference: v350 U.N.T.S. p2

    Status: accepted on 30 March 1960, entry into force for South Africa on 29 April 1960

    38. Protocol Relating to Negotiations for the Establishment of New Schedule III - Brazil - to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 31 December 1958
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: Parts I and II on 7 February 1969; Part III on 30 March 1959 (earliest)
    Reference: v398 U.N.T.S. p318

    Status: With regard to Parts I and II: accepted on 22 May 1959; with regard to Part III : accepted on

    39. Eighth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 18 February 1959
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 7 February 1969
    Reference: v663 U.N.T.S. p106

    Status: accepted on 22 May 1959

    40. Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Israel to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 29 May 1959
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 9 October 1959 (earliest); Terminated on 31 December 1961 in terms of par.6
    Reference: v344 U.N.T.S. p304

    Status: accepted on 17 November 1959, entered into force for South Africa in terms of par.6 on 17 November 1959.

    41. Ninth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 17 August 1959
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 7 February 1969
    Reference: v664-665 U.N.T.S.

    Status: accepted on 28 August 1959

    42. Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 18 November 1960
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 14 October 1962 (earliest)
    Reference: v442 U.N.T.S. p302

    Status: accepted on 20 June 1961, entered into force for South Africa on 14 October 1962

    43. Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the Swiss Confederation to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 8 December 1961
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 9 December 1961 (earliest), Terminated on 31 December 1964 (latest)
    Reference: v424 U.N.T.S. p324

    Status: accepted on 3 May 1962, entered into force for South Africa on 3 May 1962

    44. Protocol for the Accession of Portugal to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 6 April 1962
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 6 May 1962 in terms of par.10
    Reference: v431 U.N.T.S. p208

    Status: accepted on 1 August 1962

    45. Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 7 November 1962
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 20 November 1962 (earliest), Terminated on 31 December 1964 (latest)
    Reference: v452 U.N.T.S. p290

    Status: accepted on 16 November 1962, entered into force for South Africa on 20 November 1962

    46. Protocol for the Accession of Spain to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 1 July 1963
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 11 September 1963 in terms of par.11(a)
    Reference: v476 U.N.T.S. p264

    Status: accepted schedules under par.5 on 30 August 1963, entered into force for South Africa on 29 September 1963

    47. Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Iceland to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 5 March 1964
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 19 April 1964 (earliest) in terms of par.4
    Reference: v496 U.N.T.S. p326

    Status: accepted on 18 August 1964, entered into force for South Africa on 17 September 1964

    48. Second Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the Swiss Confederation to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 October 1964
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 25 November 1964 (earliest) in terms of par.2
    Reference: v525 U.N.T.S. p270

    Status: accepted on 30 December 1964, entered into force for South Africa on 30 December 1964

    49. Second Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 October 1964
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 25 November 1964 (earliest) in terms of par.2
    Reference: v525 U.N.T.S. p288

    Status: accepted on 30 December 1964, entered into force for South Africa on 30 December 1964

    50. Protocol Amending the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to Introduce a Part IV on Trade and Development
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 8 February 1965
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 27 June 1966 in terms of par.5
    Reference: v572 U.N.T.S. p320

    Status: accepted on 12 November 1971; Reservation:

    "In accepting the Protocol Amending the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to Introduce Part IV on Trade and Development, the Government of the Republic of South Africa undertakes to give effect to the commitments set out in Article XXXVII:I thereof to the fullest extent possible consistent with its own development needs and bearing in mind that special provision is made in Article XVIII:4(b) for countries at a stage of development similar to that reached by the Republic of South Africa. In giving the aforementioned undertaking, the Government of the Republic of South Africa wishes to recall the statement made by its representative at the Second Special Session of the CONTRACTING PARTIES on 26 November 1964."
    51. Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Iceland to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 14 December 1965
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 28 December 1965 (earliest) in terms of par.2; Terminated on 31 December 1967
    Reference: v557 U.N.T.S. p266

    Status: accepted on 6 May 1966, entered into force for South Africa on 6 May 1966

    52. Protocol for the Accession of Switzerland to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 1 April 1966
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 August 1966 in terms of par.12
    Reference: v570 U.N.T.S. p272

    Status: accepted on 17 August 1966 (supplementary acceptance)

    53. Third Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 17 November 1966
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 9 January 1967 (earliest) in terms of par.2; Terminated on 10 October 1967
    Reference: v590 U.N.T.S. p246

    Status: accepted on 22 March 1967, entered into force for South Africa on 22 March 1967

    54. Protocol for the Accession of Korea to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 2 March 1967
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 14 April 1967 in terms of par.6
    Reference: v595 U.N.T.S. p342

    Status: accepted on 4 July 1967

    55. Geneva (1967) Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 June 1967
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1968 (earliest) in terms of par.6
    Reference: v620-629 U.N.T.S.

    Status: accepted on 2 February 1968, entered into force for South Africa on 2 February 1968

    56. Protocol for the Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 June 1967
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 11 October 1967in terms of par.6
    Reference: v609 U.N.T.S. p206

    Status: accepted on 2 February 1968

    57. Protocol for the Accession of Iceland to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 June 1967
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 21 April 19687in terms of par.6
    Reference: v640 U.N.T.S. p336

    Status: accepted on 1 April 1971

    58. Protocol for the Accession of Ireland to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 June 1967
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 22 December 1967in terms of par.6
    Reference: v629 U.N.T.S. p225

    Status: accepted on 20 February 1968

    59. Protocol for the Accession of Poland to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 June 1967
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 18 October 1967in terms of par.11
    Reference: v609 U.N.T.S. p236

    Status: accepted on 2 February 1968

    60. Arrangement Concerning Certain Dairy Products (as amended)
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 12 January 1970
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 14 May 1970in terms of art.VIII(1)
    Reference: v738 U.N.T.S. p322

    Status: accepted on 13 May 1970, and entered into force for South Africa on 14 May 1970; South Africa subsequently accepted the International Dairy Arrangement on 12 April 1979, which provides in par.1(d) of its Art. VIII that such acceptance carries denunciation of the Arrangement Concerning Certain Dairy Products

    61. Protocol for the Accession of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 11 August 1971
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 11 September 1971in terms of par.7
    Reference: v798 U.N.T.S. p284

    Status: accepted on 12 November 1971

    62. Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Colombia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 23 July 1975
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 22 January 1976 (earliest)in terms of par.4
    Reference: v1028 U.N.T.S. p420

    Status: accepted on 7 January 1976, entered into force for South Africa on 6 February 1976

    63. Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Colombia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 12 November 1976
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 17 December 1976in terms of par.2
    Reference: v1050 U.N.T.S. p338

    Status: accepted on 9 February 1977, and entered into force for South Africa on 9 February 1977

    64. Second Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Colombia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 14 November 1978
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 27 December 1979 (earliest) in terms of par.2
    Reference: GATT publication, 14 November 1978

    Status: accepted on 20 June 1979, and entered into force for South Africa on 20 June 1979

    65. Arrangement Regarding Bovine Meat
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 12 April 1979
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1980in terms of par.3
    Reference: v1186 U.N.T.S. p344

    Status: accepted on 18 December 1979, and entered into force for South Africa on 1 January 1980

    66. Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 12 April 1979
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1980in terms of par.3
    Reference: v1186 U.N.T.S. p372

    Status: accepted on 18 December 1979, and entered into force for South Africa on 1 January 1980

    67. Geneva (1979) Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 30 June 1979
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1980in terms of par.5(b)
    Reference: BISD 26S/3

    Status: accepted on 18 December 1979, and entered into force for South Africa on 1 January 1980

    68. International Dairy Arrangement (as amended)
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 12 April 1979
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1980in terms of Art. VIII(3)(a)
    Reference: v1186 U.N.T.S. p54

    Status: accepted on 18 December 1979, and entered into force for South Africa on 1 January 1980

    69. Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 12 April 1979
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1981in terms of art.24
    Reference: v1235 U.N.T.S. p126

    Status: accepted on 1 June 1983, and entered into force for South Africa on 1 June 1983

    70. Protocol to the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 1 November 1979
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 1 January 1981
    Reference: v1235 U.N.T.S. p238

    Status: accepted on 1 June 1983, and entered into force for South Africa on 1 July 1983

    71. Protocol for the Accession of Colombia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 28 November 1979
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 3 October 1981in terms of par.6
    Reference: GATT publication, 28 November 1979

    Status: accepted on 5 March 1982

    71. Third Procès-Verbal Extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Colombia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 10 November 1980
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 26 December 1980 (earliest)in terms of par.2
    Reference: GATT publication, 10 November 1980

    Status: accepted on 31 July 1981, and entered into force for South Africa on 31 July 1981


    X. International Trade and Development
    The Final Act and Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (including GATT 1994), Uruguay Round
    Full Text / Members of the WTO

    Date: 15 April 1994
    Done at: Marrakesh, Morocco
    Entry into force: 1 January 1995 in accordance with par.3 of the Final Act

    Status: signed on 15 April 1994


    X. International Trade and Development
    Agreement Establishing the African Development Bank Done at Khartoum on 4 August 1963, as amended by Resolution 05-79 Adopted by the Board of Governors on 17 May 1979
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 7 May 1982
    Done at: Lusaka
    Entry into force: 7 May 1982 in accordance with par.4 of res. 05-79
    Reference: v1276 U.N.T.S. p3

    Status: acceded on 13 December 1995


    X. International Trade and Development
    Agreement to Establish the South Centre
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 1 September 1994
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: 30 July 1995 in accordance with art. XV(1)
    Reference: Depositary notification C.N.295.1994.TREATIES-2 of 28 September 1994

    Status: signed on 3 October 1994; ratified 16 March 1995


    X. International Trade and Development
    Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 13 June 1976
    Done at: Rome
    Entry into force: 30 November 1977 in accordance with art. 13, section 3(a)
    Reference: v1059 U.N.T.S. p191

    Status: acceded on 14 February 1997


    X. International Trade and Development
    Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 8 April 1979
    Done at: Vienna
    Entry into force: 21 June 1985 in accordance with art. 25 (2b)
    Reference: v1401 U.N.T.S. p3

    Status: acceded on 24 October 2000



    Copyright © 1997-2000 by Arnold N. Pronto
    All Rights Reserved