XXXIII. Intellectual Property

1. Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
2. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
3. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
4. Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure (Budapest Union)
5. WIPO Copyright Treaty
6. WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
7. Patent Cooperation Treaty

WWW Sources:

  • World Intellectual Property Organization

  • Intellectual Property
    Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 14 July 1967, amended in 28 September 1979
    Done at: Stockholm
    Entry into force:   in accordance with art. 15
    Reference: WIPO Publication No. 250(E)

    Status: Became a member on 23 March 1975


    Intellectual Property
    Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: Paris Convention (1883), revised at Brussels (1900), Washington (1911), The Hague (1925), London (1934), Lisbon (1958) and Stockholm (1967) and amended in 1979

    Status: Became a member of the Paris Union on 1 December 1947; Bound to the Stockholm Act on 24 March 1975; Reservation:

    "With the declaration provided for in Art.28(2) of the Stockholm Act relating to the International Court of Justice."

    Intellectual Property
    Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: Berne Convention (1886), completed at Paris (1896), revised at Berlin (1908), completed at Berne (1914), revised at Rome (1928), at Brussels (1948), at Stockholm (1967) and at Paris (1971), and amended in 1979

    Status: Became a member of the Berne Union on 3 October 1928; South Africa became a member of the Brussels Act on 1 August 1951, and articles 22 to 38 of the Paris (1971) Act on 24 March 1975; Reservation:

    "With the declaration provided for in Art.33(2) relating to the International Court of Justice."

    Intellectual Property
    Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure (Budapest Union)
    Full Text / Current Parties / Regulations

    Date: 28 April 1977, modified on 26 September 1980
    Done at: Budapest
    Entry into force:   in accordance with art. 16
    Reference: WIPO Publication No. 277(E)

    Status: Became a party to the treaty on 14 July 1997


    Intellectual Property
    WIPO Copyright Treaty
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 20 December 1996
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force: Not yet in force in accordance with: art.20
    Reference: CRNR/DC/94

    Status: signed


    Intellectual Property
    WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 20 December 1996
    Done at: Geneva
    Entry into force:  Not yet in force in accordance with: art.29
    Reference: CRNR/DC/95

    Status: signed


    Intellectual Property
    Patent Cooperation Treaty
    Full Text / Regulations / Current Parties / Description

    Date: 19 June 1970
    Done at: Washington (amended on September 28, 1979, and modified on February 3, 1984)
    Entry into force:  In force in accordance with:

    Status: acceded to 16 March 1999; declaration provided for in article 64(5).


    Copyright © 1997-2000 by Arnold N. Pronto
    All Rights Reserved