IV. Human Rights

1. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 6. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 7. African Charter of Human and People's Rights
3. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 8. Amendment to article 43(2) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
4. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 9. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 
5. Convention on the Rights of the Child

Reference Sources:

  • Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General: Status as at 30 April 1999 (ST/LEG/SER.E/17)
  • WWW Sources:
  • Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the United Nations Secretary-General
  • Multilaterals Project (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy)
  • University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
  • Human Rights Web

  • IV. Human Rights
    International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
    Full Text / Current Parties  / Description

    Date: 16 December 1966
    Done at: the General Assembly, New York
    Entry into force: 3 January 1976 in accordance with art. 27
    Reference: v993 U.N.T.S. p3

    Status: signed on 3 October 1994


    IV. Human Rights
    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
    Full Text / Current Parties  / Description

    Date: 16 December 1966
    Done at: the General Assembly, New York
    Entry into force: 23 March 1976 in accordance with art. 49 (28 March 1979 for art.41 - Human Rights Committee)
    Reference: v999 U.N.T.S. p171

    Status: signed on 3 October 1994, ratified on 10 December 1998. Declaration:


    IV. Human Rights
    International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 7 March 1966
    Done at: New York
    Entry into force: 4 January 1969 in accordance with art. 19
    Reference: v660 U.N.T.S. p195

    Status: signed on 3 October 1994, ratified on 10 December 1998. Declaration:


    IV. Human Rights
    Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
    Full Text / Current Parties  / Description

    Date: 10 December 1984
    Done at: the General Assembly, New York
    Entry into force: 26 June 1987 in accordance with art. 27(1)
    Reference: v1465 U.N.T.S. p85

    Status: signed on 29 January 1993, ratified on 10 December 1998. Declaration:


    IV. Human Rights
    Convention on the Rights of the Child
    Full Text / Current Parties  / Description

    Date: 20 November 1989
    Done at: the General Assembly, New York
    Entry into force: 2 September 1990 in accordance with art. 49(1)
    Reference: Doc. A/RES/44/25

    Status: signed on 29 January 1993 and ratified on 16 June 1995


    IV. Human Rights
    Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
    Full Text / Current Parties  / Description

    Date: 18 December 1979
    Done at: the General Assembly, New York
    Entry into force: 3 September 1981 in accordance with art. 27(1)
    Reference: v1249 U.N.T.S. p13

    Status: signed on 29 January 1993 and ratified on 15 December 1995. In force for South Africa on 14 January 1996.


    IV. Human Rights
    African Charter of Human and People's Rights
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 27 June 1981
    Done at: Banjul
    Entry into force: 21 October 1986
    Reference: OAU Doc. CAB/LEG/67/3 rev.5; 21 I.L.M. 58 (1982)

    Status: signed in 1995 and ratified on 9 July 1996


    IV. Human Rights
    Amendment to article 43(2) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
    Full Text / Current Parties

    Date: 12 December 1995
    Done at: Conference of the State Parties
    Not yet in force: par.3 of the res. of the State Parties and art.50(2) of the Convention.
    Reference: Doc. CRC/SP/1995/L.1/Rev.1

    Status: Accepted on 5 August 1997


    IV. Human Rights
    Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
    Full Text / Current Parties  / Description

    Date: 9 December 1948
    Done at:  United Nations General Assembly
    In force: 12 January 1951 in accordance with art. XIII
    Reference:  v78 U.N.T.S. p277

    Status: Acceded on 10 December 1998


    Copyright © 1997-2001 by Arnold N. Pronto
    All Rights Reserved